En algo estamos de acuerdo, el cosmos, el ecosistema, nuestra salud, las relaciones naturales de padres e hijos, entre hombre y mujer, no son irracionales, responden a una Inteligencia, a un orden y a una lógica que todas las ciencias pretenden alcanzar. Así lo afirmó Max Planck, Premio Nobel de Física: “la ciencia conduce a un hombre sin prejuicios a la impresión de que la Naturaleza estuviera regida por una voluntad inteligente”, (Teología de la Creación, Fidalgo, J.M.). http://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/mujer/2019/01/cathopic_1546974880931923-300x200.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="467" /> "Reconocer la dependencia con respecto al creador es fuente de sabiduría".
Esta reflexión no responde sólo al uso recto de la razón, sino también es una verdad de fe. La fe es una fuente de conocimiento superior a la razón, que no la contradice sino que la complementa. Las verdades de fe siempre son razonables, por que Dios es El mismo, la Razón, el Logos, la Palabra, y no puede ser irracional, ni se contradice a Sí mismo. “La Creación necesita que Dios la mantenga continuamente en el ser. Reconocer esta dependencia completa con respecto al creador es fuente de sabiduría” (Sb. 11, 24-2). “Hijo mío, si aceptas mis palabras y conservas mis consejos, prestando oído a la sensatez y prestando atención a la prudencia; si invocas a la inteligencia y llamas a la prudencia; si la procuras como el dinero y la buscas como un tesoro, entonces comprenderás el temor del Señor y alcanzarás el conocimiento de Dios….” Proverbios (2,1-9).
En el contexto de una Jornada de reflexión por la paz y la justicia en el mundo, Benedicto XVI habla de los peregrinos de la verdad, se refiere a todos aquellos que desean encontrar a Dios, pero no les ha sido concedido el don de la fe. Ellos cuestionan la conducta tantas veces infiel de los creyentes, a la vez que exigen rectitud y justicia al ateísmo. “Así, su lucha interior y su interrogarse es también una llamada a los creyentes a purificar su propia fe, para que Dios – el verdadero Dios – se haga accesible”, (1) (1) Las convicciones espirituales en la construcción de la paz, Francisco Varo.[:en]http://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/mujer/2019/01/Pinocho-ser-o-no-ser-300x200.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="400" /> Pinocchio is the tender and candid image of the adolescent and we all have a teenager inside. Pinocchio's drama begins when he forgets that he was a "son" and that he had a "father". In that moment, in which he trusts the wrong characters, he leaves aside his duties and pursues the attractive and exciting proposals that his environment offers, the story begins to get tangled up. As a doll, with the superficiality of the one who does not think, with the ignorance of the one who does not know, he trusts appearances, the image full of light, the attraction of the festival, what friends say becomes his norm, and without thinking much the inertia continues until it is no longer a doll, but a donkey. He forgot who he was and who his father was. We all have a teenager inside, but we must not forget that we have a Father, that we have been created with an instruction manual and that we do not fully own ourselves. The reality is harder, the mirage is more subtle, more daily, more incisive, and the price to pay more dramatic. Creation needs God to keep it continually in being. Recognizing this complete dependence on the creator is a source of wisdom.” We agree that the cosmos, the ecosystem, our health, the natural relations of parents and children, between man and woman, are not irrational, they respond to intelligence and to the order and logic that all sciences seek to achieve. "My son, if you accept my words and keep my advice, listening to good sense and paying attention to prudence; if you invoke intelligence and call to prudence; if you search for it as money and look for it as a treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and reach the knowledge of God ... ".1 In the context of a Journey of reflection for peace and justice in the world, Benedict XVI speaks of the pilgrims of truth, refering to all those who wish to find God but have not been granted the gift of faith. When they seek the truth with righteousness, along the way they question the often unfaithful behavior of believers, and at the same time they demand justice from atheism. Thus, their inner struggle and their questioning is also a call to believers to purify their own faith, so that God - the true God - becomes accessible”.[:]