The Blog of Arguments

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The environment is you"> El procedimiento más seguro de hacernos más agradable la vida es hacerla agradable a los demás. -Albert Guinon-             Me contaba el obispo de Coria-Cáceres, Mons. Francisco Cerro, que cuando él decidió hacerse sacerdote, era en la década de los setentas cuando ya había cierto enrarecimiento del ambiente religioso, al entrar en el seminario, […]
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A thin layer"> El egoísmo no es vivir como uno desea vivir, es pedir a los demás que vivan como uno quiere vivir. -Oscar Wilde-           Cierto día, un comerciante muy rico y avariento acudió a un sacerdote, experto en la vida y sabio, en busca de consejo y enseñanza. Éste lo llevó a una ventana: -Mira […]
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Arguments in the Brotherhood of Jesus Nazarene of Valladolid

">">El sábado 21 de marzo, Miguel Ángel, Carmen y Lucía, estuvimos en la Cofradía de Jesús Nazareno, en Valladolid, contando Arguments a un grupo de 30 jóvenes, algunos de ellos, cofrades. Fue una jornada para hablar de la historia de Arguments y de algunos de nuestros proyectos más significativos y aprovechamos para recordar algunas de […]
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Liturgy and personality. Dietrich von Hildebrand

Author: Dietrich von Hildebrand Book: Liturgy and Personality With his work Liturgy and Personality (1933), Dietrich von Hildebrand, a philosopher of the phenomenological current who converted to Catholicism in the last century, offers an acute reflection on how the liturgy is capable of forming the heart of the Christian. A formation that makes him capable of [...]
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Lent: 8 basic questions

8 preguntas básicas sobre la Cuaresma que te ayudarán a vivir este tiempo litúrgico con mayor profundidad.
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What are the liturgical books of the Catholic Church?

Liturgical books are those that contain the texts and indications for the liturgical celebration, officially edited in the Church. This official edition is called the typical edition and is written in Latin. Translations into modern languages are made from it. Its compilation and fixation was carried out by [...]
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The Missal" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Durante varios siglos se usaron varios libros litúrgicos en la celebración de la Misa. A caballo entre el primer y segundo milenio nace un libro que los reúne a todos: el Misal Plenario. Hasta nuestros días, y desde el siglo XIII donde el Misal cobró realmente importancia, los tres misales más importantes […]
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Lent is the path to Easter and the Resurrection.

We are now fully in the Lenten season, the "favorable time for ascending the holy mountain of Easter," in the words of the Ceremonial of Bishops (n. 249). Thus the Lenten liturgy places at its center the Passover of Christ, the most important feast of the year. It was already established in the [...]
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Lent-Easter 2015 an app to live this liturgical season

How can we live Lent? Can we use new technologies to pray during this liturgical season? The Archdiocese of Valencia has opted for an application for cell phones, tablets and computers for Lent. This application, available for Android, Apple and computers, contains material to prepare and live with intensity both Lent and Easter. Periods [...]
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Entrevista a Dominik Kustra: "Los cristianos de Irak han perdido todo menos la fe y la esperanza"

Iraq, the land of Abraham, has welcomed Christians since the 1st century. It was evangelized by the apostles. Today, the Christian presence in that country is on the verge of disappearing. Religious persecution in Iraq prevents them not only from practicing their faith, but also from developing professionally. Although they have lost everything they had, they still have [...]
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