9 ideas to be happy

03/08/2018 | By Arguments

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José Brage




Without fear because He is there

Who doesn't want to be happy?

"Have you ever asked yourself: Will I be happy in my life? Will I make it? Because when you are in a low moment it seems impossible to reach? The answer is yes, without a doubt, with God's help, but you have to try hard. Because the happiness of a free creature does not take place without her being the protagonist.". We help you to be happy through 9 simple ideas taken from the book ''....">https://www.amazon.es/Sin-miedo-Mundo-y-Cristianismo-ebook/dp/B076ZM3KZW/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&ref_=tmm_kin_title_0&sr=">Without fear, because He is there'', by José Brage. A book that we recommend, because it will help you to weave your life with the golden thread of the prayer. Here we go!

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/07/9-ideas-para-sr-feliz-800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

1. To be happyit is necessary to living:

It seems obvious, but there are people who don't live because they don't decide, they don't use their freedom. But how to decide correctly, what is the best thing to do at each moment and what should be done? Learning to decide and to contrast our decisions and actions with the Lord will help us to be prudent people and to know how to exercise our freedom well, and therefore, to be happy. "He who prays habitually lives without fear of anything, protected by the love of God, which is discovered in every circumstance.". "God's voice is silent. Don't be afraid to be bored, to waste time, to give yourself a scare, because He is there.".

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/07/1.-¡Vive-800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

2. The happiness is achieved in oblique, not in direct:

Being happy is a consequence, a product of living well; of putting God first in life; of loving him with all one's heart. We could say that "collateral damage" of living well is to be happy.

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/2.-Pon-a-Dios-lo-primero.-800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

3. We are made to love:

The happiness is a consequence of the gift of self by love. We are made to love, that is why selfishness is the great enemy of happiness. If you want to be unhappy, ignore everyone, think only of yourself and what you feel like doing at any given moment, and you will become the most bitter person on the planet. Now, if what you want is to be happy, then the path of selfishness is not the right path to follow.

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/3.-Ama-y-haz-lo-que-quieras.--800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

4. Mastering the character:

To love others, you must first love yourself. And for this, it is key to combine these four attitudes:

  • knowing how to laugh and not to be so self-important
  • forgive yourself
  • mastering the imagination (living a day-to-day life)
  • and run away from the perfectionism

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/4.-Domina-el-carácter.-800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

5. Learning to sorry and ask for forgiveness:

Without forgiveness no relationship can survive, because we are all flawed. We have all done things in life that we regret, and if we could go back, we would change them. Accepting it, recognizing our guilt and asking for forgiveness for the pain caused to others frees us from that burden and is fundamental to be able to be happy. The saint is not the one who never falls, but the one who always gets up.

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/5.-Perdonar-y-pedir-perdón.--800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

6. Keep at bay the envy:

Envy is the woodworm of the happiness. It prevents us from seeing the good we have and takes us out of our reality to be continuously wishing for what we do not have and regretting it. The best poison to end it is gratitude.

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/6.-Fuera-la-envidia.-800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

7. Righteousness of intention:

Especially in the work and in the service. If we seek to be thanked we will always be frustrated, because people tend to be ungrateful.

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/7.-Rectitud-de-intención.--800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

8. Cultivate the friendship:

Few treasures compare to friendship. We should strive to be people who are easy to love and with whom to share hobbies. Friendship is deserved, not demanded. If you want to have friendsloves people. As they say colloquially, "you have to work hard". However, there is nothing that cheers and fills our hearts more than friendship.

https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/8.-Amistad.--800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

9. Last but not least: living under the look of our Father God.

To discover that loving and merciful gaze, which always gives me a new opportunity no matter what happens. God's love is unconditional. He loves us for who we are, not for what we do or achieve. https://www.arguments.es/wp-content/uploads/comunicarlafe/2018/08/9.-Descubre-la-mirada-de-Dios.--800x400.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="400" />

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