Soldier who slaps Jesus: "I gave him a slap that still hurts me".

09/04/2020 | By Arguments







High Priest

I unloaded all my insecurity on him

"Is this how you respond to the High Priest?" And I gave him a slap that still hurts me. I let pride come out and take command of my actions. I unloaded all my insecurity on him. I was so nervous. At that moment the heads of the Synagogue We had been warned that we could not escape, that it was a unique opportunity and that we had to be very attentive. The pressure, the need to respond to what is expected of me, transforms me. 

But Jesus took advantage of the occasion to free me from my slavery.

It was then that Jesus, with his face unhinged by the strokeHe looked at me and asked me why I had done it. He showed me my fear, my anguish, my mistake, my pride and above all his patience. He did not miss the opportunity to free me from slavery. He brought down the walls of my prison.  "Why are you hitting me?"He showed me that I didn't have to prove anything to anyone. That he loved me as I was. That I didn't have to live up to anything. That he wanted to come down to mine. That he didn't need my actions to love me because he trusted my freedom and my heart, my desires. Why do you hit me? Why do you judge me? Why do you condemn me?  Deep down, I was saving myself. Why do you beat yourself? Why do you judge yourself? Why do you condemn yourself? Why don't you let me love you if I want to? Why do you try to be valued by others when you are the most valuable thing in the world to me?

Me pretending to stand out and him lifting me above everything created.ón-soldados-golpeando-a-Cristo-300x260.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="520" />Estaba armado hasta los dientes pero ante esa pregunta me quedé totalmente indefenso, incapaz de presentar batalla, rendido antes de ir a la guerra, hecho prisionero del vencedor que en realidad era vencido. Me descolocó su rapidez, su sinceridad y su paciencia. Constrastaban con mi bloqueo, mi vanidad y mi arrogancia. Yo pretendiendo sobresalir y él levantándome por encima de todo lo creado, de todos los presentes, de todos mis miedos.  That slap made me contemplate the face of Jesus anew. It made him fix his eyes on me. Perhaps he had seen me before, but I had not felt looked at. Now I was easy prey to his affection. I was free from my chains, my appearances and my fears. I could be me. I didn't need to beat, crush or trample anyone to be valuable. My surrendered heart was enough for Jesus. Defeated, he is no longer capable of attack again to defend themselves.

I slapped him in the face and he gave me back my freedom.

Now I live free, in peace and happy. When something goes wrong and I feel like complaining, I remember Jesus who asks me: "...".Why do you hit me? Why don't you realize how much I love you and how little I care about your falls, your mistakes, your sins? Why don't you discover that they affect me because of the harm they do to you and the sadness they cause you? Why do you defend yourself if no one attacks you?" I slapped Him and He gave me back my freedom in return. I humiliated Him in front of the crowd and He lifted me up above them all. I vented my anger on His cheek and He offered me the other cheek so that I could truly know Him.  I had no weapons or strategy to fight it and so I lost the most important battle of my life, but with Him everything works the other way around. I have won what I could never have dreamed of. I have been paid with the most valuable coin, the one that does not lose value, the most hidden treasure and the most enormous luck. 

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